Valery Kvon wrote in post #1048505:
> On 23.02.2012, at 22:23, Roger Patrick wrote:
>> website I receive the following error message which I assume is to say
>> activerecord is not connecting:
>> undefined method `find_by_console' for
>> #<WillPaginate::Collection:0x52cb9d8>
> At first, .find_by_<attr_name> is a ActiveRecord::Relation's method.
> That is why it doesn't  responded.
> At second, this method is a "lazy" method, oriented to return _just_one_
> instance, corresponding to condition. Is that your app-logic? I don't
> think so..
> So, your way is:
> games_relation = case params[:console].present?
> when true then Game.where(:console => params[:console])
> else Game
> end
> @games = games_relation.paginate(:per_page => 4, :page =>
> params[:page]).search(params[:search])

Ok thanks for your feedback, so of what I have understood in my 
gamescontroller.rb I will have the following:

def index
 @games = games_relation.paginate(:per_page => 4, :page =>

in my game.rb file I will have the following:

games_relation = case params[:console].present?
  when true then Game.where(:console => params[:console])
  else Game

and in my index.html.erb I will have the following:

<%= link_to 'DREAMCAST', games_path(:console => 'Dreamcast')%>

please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks for your help.

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