Hi people. I'm a newbie so bare with me :P

This is my first rails application: https://github.com/Agis-/ehm . It's an 
app where visitors have the ability to see Offers submitted from Vendors. 
These Offers also belong to Categories. So Offers, Vendors and Categories 
are the models & resources in my application. 

Until now I implemented these pages:

   - list all Offers (app.com)
   - all Offers from a certain Vendor (app.com/v/<vendor-id>)
   - all Offers from a certain Category (app.com/c/<category-id>)
and now the important part: I want in the vendor pages 
(app.com/v/<vendor-id>) where all the Vendor's offers are listed, to have a 
sidemenu which will have all the Vendor's offers grouped by categories. So 
the visitor will be able not only to see all the Offers from Vendor A, but 
all the Offers from Vendor A and in Category A, B or C.

Thing is, I don't know how to generally approach this issue. How should I 
route this? Should I add a sidebar partial template that will render the 
category menu? Should the routes be like app.com/v/<vendor-id>/c/<cat-id>? 
or maybe I should use query parameters like 

What would be the Rails way of doing this?


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