On 10 Dec 2008, at 17:47, Rick wrote:

> Thanks Frederick. Your explanation was perfect! (Now I'll work on
> figuring out how to handle the problem creating the checkbox manually,
> but you got me on the right path.)
> (Seriously, send my a paypal link or else I'll be getting you a gift
> certificate to amazon or something:)

Don't mention it, all in a day's play :-)
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Frederick Cheung
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 10 Dec 2008, at 15:55, Rick wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Frederick Cheung
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Is this rails check box trickery tripping you up ? The rails check
>>>> box
>>>> helper creates a hidden input field with the same name (and value  
>>>> 0)
>>>> as well as the actual check box. If you're using arrays of  
>>>> parameters
>>>> like I think you are this can mess things up.
>>> In what ways does it mess things up? (I know things get screwy as I
>>> posted in my original post, yet have no idea WHY the before I'm  
>>> seeing
>>> is happening, where a new object ends up being created.) I posted  
>>> some
>>> of the raw html here http://pastie.org/335814
>> It all comes down to how array parameters are handled. If the
>> parameters you get look like
>> match[new_game_attributes][][foo]=bar
>> match[new_game_attributes][][bar]=baz
>> then you get params == {:match => {:new_game_attributes => [{:foo =>
>> 'bar', :bar => 'baz'}]}}
>> if you had
>> match[new_game_attributes][][foo]=bar
>> match[new_game_attributes][][bar]=baz
>> match[new_game_attributes][][foo]=alice
>> match[new_game_attributes][][bar]=bob
>> then you'd expect params == {:match => {:new_game_attributes =>  
>> [{:foo
>> => 'bar', :bar => 'baz'}, {:foo => 'alice', :bar => 'bob}]}}
>> The key thing here to note is that it is the repetition of a  
>> parameter
>> that causes rails to add a new array element. so if your checkbox is
>> checked and your parameters look like
>> match[new_game_attributes][][name]=fred
>> match[new_game_attributes][][home]=0
>> match[new_game_attributes][][home]=1
>> then you'll get parameters like {:match => {:new_game_attributes =>
>> [{:name => 'fred', :home => '0'}, {:home => '1'}]}}
>> ie two array elements where you only wanted one, which (as I
>> understood it) was the problem you were grappling with
>> Fred
>>> but as a summary, yes the checbox field is part of an array and
>>> looks like;
>>> <input id="match_new_game_attributes__home"
>>> name="match[new_game_attributes][][home]" type="checkbox" value="1"
>>> /><input name="match[new_game_attributes][][home]" type="hidden"
>>> value="0" /> Yes
>>> <input id="match_new_game_attributes__score"
>>> name="match[new_game_attributes][][score]" size="30" type="text" />
>>> Even when validation fails the form returns correctly with the
>>> checkbox checked that I selected and everything looks fine, except  
>>> an
>>> entire stinkin' new match[new_game_attributes] object was created!!
>>> It's driving me nuts. Why would a checkbox cause this behavior?
>>> I'll pay someone 15 bucks (I'd pay more, but hey, the economy:)  if
>>> they can help me figure it out just so I can learn. I put the little
>>> app here
>>> http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/86998/hockey.zip
>>> just uses built in sql-lite
>>> http://localhost:3000/matches select new match, (uesrname: admin
>>> password: wombat)  and then check one of the 'home' checkboxes and
>>> notice you'll end up with an extra instance of a player game on the
>>> form when validation fails. If you DO NOT check that checkbox the
>>> extra instance is not created when validation fails.
> -- 
> Rick
> >

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