On 19 March 2012 16:12, Erwin <yves_duf...@mac.com> wrote:
> in my routes.rb  I have  a route
> resources :projects  do
>  member do
>     put "change_photo"
>  end
> end
>  checked with rake routes CONTROLLER=projects
>>>   change_photo_project PUT   /projects/:id/change_photo(.:format)         
>>> projects#change_photo
> from my  projects#show  I render a partial with a form in it
> def show
>    @project = Project.find(params[:id])
> ..
> end
> projects/show.html.haml
>        .span4= render :partial => "projects/right_show"
> projects/_right_show.html.haml
> ..
>     = form_for @project, :url => change_photo_project_path, :html =>
> { :multipart => true , :method => :put} do |f|
>         = f.file_field :photo
>       = f.submit t(:update)
> this is working fine
> Now I am trying to display the same partial from another controller ,
> orders#new
> orders_controller.rb
>  def new
>    @project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
>  end
> orders/new.html.haml
>        .span4= render :partial => "projects/right_show"
> but then I get a routing error
> No route matches {:action=>"change_photo", :controller=>"projects"}
> Try running rake routes for more information on available routes
> I tried to pass the @project object
> = render :partial => "projects/right_show", :object => @project
> but no way ,   Routing Error ..
> and the rake routes doesn't show me anything wrong or missing ...

Compare the generated html for the one that works and the one that
doesn't (View > Page Source or similar in the browser) then you will
see what the difference is and should be able to work out what is


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