Personally I agree with Brynjolfur.
I have 20+ years experience in coding of one sort or another - but not
much on object oriented stuff like rails.
I've been working through the Rails Tutorial and while it makes plenty
of sense - and the examples work if followed perfectly - any deviation
and it fails.
And when it doesn't - like my first none tutorial app it's a
Between Ruby, Rails, Webrat, Rpsec, Capyabara (for a start) as a
novice (in the environment) you don't know where to start on debugging
a problem.

In my case I've just spent 2 days trying to solve why a test was
failing.  Because it wan't from a tutorial example I had no guidance
on even where to look - trial and error is a very slow way to locate a
For me with my background in C, Pascal, Fortran, Informix 4GL  and
Basic (amongst others) my usual debug methods got lost in the
multitude of methods from different gems.

Personally I think there is plenty of space for a Rails Tutorial that
sticks to very basic Rails (as much as is possible).  I would have
found it much easier to concentrate on the minimal  Rails environment
first. Once that's understood you can move on to Rspec, Test Driven
Development, Production rollout to Heroku etc.
Maybe you multi-tasking youngsters cope better with having the whole
shebang thrown at you at the same time - us dinosaurs move slower!


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