On 25 March 2012 07:40, Doe J. <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> hi im new in ROR development and starting a reservation system project
> i am to show the menu that the customer added in the package that he
> choose and inside that menu the recipes of the current menu but it rises
> me a
> undefined method 'menu' error
> i belive my associations of my model is right but you may correct it if
> its wrong thank
> -----------------
> package_line_item.rb
>  belongs_to :menu
>  belongs_to :reservation
> --------------------
> reservation.rb
>  has_one :reservation_package
>  belongs_to :service
>  has_many :reservation_function_rooms
>  has_many :package_line_items
>  has_many :menus , :through => :package_line_items, :uniq => true
>  has_many :function_rooms, :through =>:reservation_function_rooms
> --------------------
> menu.rb
> has_many :package_line_items
> has_many :menu_recipes
> has_many :recipes, :through => :menu_recipes, :uniq => true
> belongs_to :menu_category
> -------------------
> package_line_item_controller.rb
>  def index
>    @package_line_items = PackageLineItems.all
>  end
>  def show
>     @reservation = Reservation.includes(:package_line_items =>
> :menu).find(params[:id])
>  end
>  def new
>    @reservation = Reservation.find(params[:reservation_id])
>    @package_line_item = @reservation.package_line_items.build
>  end
>  def create
>  @reservation = Reservation.find(params[:reservation_id])
>  @reservation.package_line_items.build(params[:package_line_item])
>    if @package_line_item.save
>      redirect_to @reservation ,:notice => "added menu"
>    end
> --------------
> routes.rb
>  resources :services
>  resources :reservations do
>     resources :reservation_packages
>     resources :reservation_function_rooms
>     resources :packages
>     resources :package_line_items
>     resources :package_crews
>  end
>  resources :function_rooms
>  resources :crews
>  resources :menu_categories
>  resources :menus do
>     resources :menu_recipes
>   end
>  ActiveAdmin.routes(self)
>  devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config
>  resources :recipe_categories
>  resources :recipes
> ---------------------
> package_line_item/show.html.erb
> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
> <%= @reservation.package_line_items.menu.name%>

You have not actually said but I presume the error is on the line
above.  The error says that there is no method menu, consider what it
is that you are trying to call this method on:
What is the type of that?  The clue is that it is plural, so it is
probably a collection of items.  You can't call menu on a collection
of items, you will have to select one at a time.

> -----------------------
> i tried on my show.html.erb file
> <%= @reservation.package_line_items.first.menu.name%>
> but it only returns the first menu that i added the when i open the
> second menu the information inside it is the the information in my first
> menu

Right, that is because you are now calling it on the first such item.
If you want to show information for all the items you will have to
loop round them displaying the menu names.

If you don't know how to do that then I suggest working through some
good tutorials such as railstutorial.org (which is free to use online)
which will give you a better understanding of Ruby and Rails.


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