
I have a model Post that I want to assign to section, sub_section and
sub2_sections. My models are set up as follows...

belongs_to :section
belongs_to :sub_section
belongs_to :sub2_section

has_many :sub_sections

belongs_to :section
has_many :sub2_sections

belongs_to :sub_section

I have a form that is using AJAX requests to populate 3
collection_select menus in turn. (Choose a section which populates
sub_section, choose a sub_section which populates sub2_section.

This all works great and I can submit the form, the post is saved... in
the logs you can see that "sub2_section_id" which is a column in my Post
table is set to "4" but when it goes to insert it into the table it
becomes "NULL"

When you go back into the post to edit it, obviously, hasn't recorded
the sub2_section and it appears blank (but with the correct
sub2_sections in the dropdown again.


Started POST "/posts" for at Sun Mar 25 14:06:19 +0100 2012
Processing by PostsController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create Post", "post"=>{"brand"=>"Test Brand",
"title"=>"Test Product", "sub_section_id"=>"2", "quantity"=>"",
"section_id"=>"1", "sub2_section_id"=>"4", "weight"=>"50g",
"manufacturer"=>"", "volume"=>"", "status"=>""},
   (0.2ms)  BEGIN
  SQL (0.4ms)  INSERT INTO `posts` (`brand`, `created_at`, `department`,
`manufacturer`, `quantity`, `section_id`, `status`, `sub2_section_id`,
`sub_section_id`, `title`, `updated_at`, `volume`, `weight`) VALUES
('Test Brand', '2012-03-25 13:06:19', NULL, '', '', 1, '', NULL, 2,
'Test Product', '2012-03-25 13:06:19', '', '50g')
   (1.3ms)  COMMIT
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 1.9ms)


It is recording section_id and sub_section_id perfectly in the posts
record but not sub2_section_id

Any ideas, help or pointing out of obvious idiocy are very welcome!


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