On Mar 26, 2012, at 9:26 PM, Cluter Vipic wrote:

> Hi,
> I also want a dynamic select menu but I want use jQuery and in my case
> it doesn't works (I follow a different sly verano's tutorial) follow all
> my steps
> NOTE: I want use a list of data from a database
> $ rails generate model basket shape:string
> $ rails generate model apple color:string shape_id:integer
> $ rails generate model table basket:string apple:string
> populate the database with a migration
> $ rails generate migration create_hierarchy
> /db/20120306193843_create_hierarchy.rb
> class CreateHierarchy< ActiveRecord::Migration
>  def self.up
>    g1 = Basket.create(:shape => "awesome")
>    g2 = Basket.create(:shape => "normal")
>    a1 = Apple.create(:color => "Green", :basket_id => g1.id)
>    a2 = Apple.create(:color => "Reds", :basket_id => g1.id)
>    a3 = Apple.create(:color => "White", :basket_id => g2.id)
>    a4 = Apple.create(:color => "Purple", :basket_id => g2.id)
>  end
>  def self.down
> # you can fill this in if you want.
>  end
> end
> I have 3 model @table, @basket, @apple
> class Apple
>    belongs_to :tables
>    belongs_to: baskets
> end
> class  Basket
>    belongs_to :tables
>    has_many :apples
> end
> class Table
>    has_many :baskets
>    has_many :apples
> end
> in the @table controller I have
> def index
>    @basket  = Basket.find(:all)
>    @apple = Apple.find(:all)
>    @table = Table.new
>  end
> the form is in app/views/tables/index.html.erb file
> <%= form_for @table do |f| %>
> <%= f.collection_select(:basket, @basket, :id, :shape, {:prompt =>true})
> %>
> <%= f.collection_select(:apple, @apple, :id, :color, {:prompt => true})
> %>
> <%= f.submit %>
> <% end %>
> root :to => 'table#index'
> NOW when I load the page
> http://localhost:3000
> I have 2 list menu
> {basket}
> {apple}
> **** jQuery ******
> I use Rails 3.1 and this is my Gemfile I have
> /////////////////////
> source 'http://rubygems.org'
> gem 'rails', '3.1.0'
> gem 'sqlite3'
> # Gems used only for assets and not required
> # in production environments by default.
> group :assets do
>  gem 'sass-rails', "  ~> 3.1.0"
>  gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.1.0"
>  gem 'uglifier'
> end
> gem 'jquery-rails'
> group :test do
>  # Pretty printed test output
>  gem 'turn', :require => false
> end
> //////////////
> in the app/assest/javascript/table.js.coffee I have
> jQuery ->
>  apple = $('#table_apple').html()
>  console.log(apple)
>  $('#table_basket').change ->
>    basket = $('#table_basket :selected').text()
>    options = $(apple).filter("[label=#{basket}]").html()
>    console.log(options)
>    if options
>      $('#table_apple').html(options)
>    else
>      $('#table_apple').empty()
> but this script doesn't work 'cause onchange the first one {basket} the
> second one is empty!
> I don't know where's my mistake
> thanks a lot in advance,
> C

You cannot update the contents of a select using html() (which is similar to 
Prototype's update() function). The only way to alter the options of a select 
cross-browser is to do the following:

1. Make a structure of your new elements, something like:

        var newOptions = [['one','One'],['two', 'Two'],['three', 'Three']]

2. Remove all of the existing options:

        myPicker.options.length = 0;

3. Loop through your array of new options, and build them up one at a time into 
options on the now-empty picker:

        for(i = 0; i < newOptions.length; i++){
                myPicker.options[myPicker.options.length] = new 
Option(newOptions[i][0], newOptions[i][1];

Hope this helps,


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