On Apr 24, 1:55 am, vishal singh <vishal.singh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> Make a two model, Lawyer and Phone then in lawyer model add has_any :phones
> and in phone model add belongs_to :lawyer
> then find lawler like
>  @lawyer = Lawyer.find(1)   1 is id in lawyer table
> then write
>  @lawyer.phones (it will fetch all the phone number of this lawyer havind
> id =1)
>  you can add where clause
>  @lawyer.phones.where(:area_code => area_code, :number =>
> number)

The thing is that I have a list of possible area codes and numbers.
The way you wrote it won't allow me to search for lawyers who have a
phone inside my list. Unless, I do multiple queries. I suppose there's
no way to translate select * from phones where (area_code, number) in
(('555', '1234564'), ('533', '12345678')) into activerecord. Doing a
for like the one I wrote before is probably the way to go.

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