On Tuesday, 1 May 2012 15:20:57 UTC-4, Joe Le Brech wrote:
> When you use rails g scaffold blah blah it will always produce non-final 
> code, so why not have a scaffolds folder with as many dummy code examples 
> as possible which can then be transplanted into the actual production code.
> For example nested forms or select box code or whatever might be specific 
> to a custom generator (mobile or whatever)
> This could be very much like "snippets", a scaffold could then make many 
> more assumptions and potentially create non-working code, 
> like assuming that something_id is something that can be used in a 
> selection box and that "name" is the value of an option.

Part of the point of things like scaffolding is to demonstrate where code 
should go for new users of the framework, and to provide a quick working 
example - scattering them into a folder full of non-working examples would 
make that much more difficult.

--Matt Jones 

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