Rails 3.1.3

I have a table 'Contribution' having a column, 'price' which must be

  validate :price => true, :numericality => { :only_intger => true }

then, in creating a new Contribution DB, I need to check the user input
values. Of course, if the values are not valid, it needs to stay in the
same page showing error messages .

in 'contributions_controller.rb',

    respond_to do |format|
      if @contribution.save
        format.html { render action: "new", notice: 'Contribution was
successfully created.' }
        format.json { render json: @contribution, status: :created,
location: @contribution }
        format.html { render action: "index" }
        format.json { render json: @contribution.errors, status:
:unprocessable_entity }

hoping that the 'save' method FAILS upon inputing string values, for

But interestingly, if I input, say, 'this' in the input form, it directs
to the next page and the '0' (an integer, though) value is inserted in
the DB.  I do not have any default value to 'price'.

Could anyone point out any mistakes that I am making here?

Thanks in advance.


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