
I have a model for which when I go to save an item it doesn't seem to get
saved.  In the console I don't get a "record not saved" error???  But rather
the response seems to give me back a Transaction object (i.e. for which the
saved Allocation object has a relationship with)?  Any ideas why?

?> a = Allocation.new
=> #<Allocation id: nil, transaction_id: nil, person_id: nil, recurring_id:
nil, amount: nil, amount_percent: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
>> a.valid?
=> false
>> a.transaction_id = 1784
=> 1784
>> a.person_id = 1
=> 1
>> a.amount = 100
=> 100
>> a.valid?
=> true
>> a.save!
=> #<Transaction id: 1784, transaction_date: "2009-02-04", bank_account_id:
5, category_id: 6, recurring_id: 3, amount:
#<BigDecimal:22291e0,'0.0',4(8)>, balance:
#<BigDecimal:2229190,'0.1E4',4(12)>, description: "food", notes: nil,
created_at: "2008-12-08 21:21:17", updated_at: "2008-12-08 21:21:17",
projection: true>
>> a
=> #<Allocation id: nil, transaction_id: 1784, person_id: 1, recurring_id:
nil, amount: #<BigDecimal:2218160,'0.1E3',4(8)>, amount_percent: nil,
created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ cat app/models/allocation.rb
# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20081128104846
# Table name: allocations
#  id             :integer(4)      not null, primary key
#  transaction_id :integer(4)      not null
#  person_id      :integer(4)      not null
#  recurring_id   :integer(4)
#  amount         :decimal(9, 2)
#  amount_percent :decimal(9, 2)
#  created_at     :datetime
#  updated_at     :datetime

class Allocation < ActiveRecord::Base
 belongs_to :person
 belongs_to :transaction

 validates_numericality_of :amount, :if => :amount
 validates_numericality_of :amount_percent, :if => :amount_percent


 def validate
   errors.add_to_base('amount and amount_percent can not both be specified')
if amount && amount_percent
   errors.add_to_base('either amount OR amount_percent must be specified')
if !amount && !amount_percent


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