On Monday, 21 May 2012 01:02:43 UTC-5, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am writing a RoR application that connects to a couchDB database using 
> couchrest_model. 
> The definition of my model is the following one: 
> class BdsDataAuthor < CouchRest::Model::Base 
>   property :id, Integer 
>   property :first_name, String 
>   property :last_name, String 
> end 
> I would like to be able to get the list of the model columns, e.g., the 
> result of 
> BdsDataAuthor.columns would be [id, first_name, last_name] 
> Is it possible? I saw that active_record provides this kind of method 
> (column_names), but since I am not using active_record... 
> A solution that I tried is to create a method in the model class (it 
> works but its not the "best" solution...): 
> def getColumns 
>    columns = Array.new 
>    columns << "id" 
>    columns << "first_name" 
>    columns << "last_name" 
> end 
> Any idea/suggestion to solve this problem? 
I haven't used CouchRest, but a quick skim of this:

seems to indicate that what you're looking for could be accomplished with:


--Matt Jones

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