> I have an existing rails backend website which makes json ajax calls to my
> server and I was passing csrf tokens in every ajax call. Now,I am
> developing a mobile iOS app to use the same backend and send calls in json.
> However, mobile requests are failing with "Can't verify CSRF token
> authenticity", because i dont know of anyway to send the csrf token to
> rails from app.

This isn't so much a rails question as an iOS programming question.
In addition, a little very simple googling shows everything you need
to know to be able to do this (simple enough that it's obvious you
didn't even try).

Check out


to see how the token is sent to a browser.  You can probably just use:

<%= form_authenticity_token %>

to set the value of the token in your initial response to the iOS
app.  A quick test shows that AJAX requests to the server include the
token as a custom header in the request.

To learn how to set a custom http header in your iOS app, see:



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