ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique in Admin::AdminUsersController#create

ODBC::Error: 23000 (2601) [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Cannot insert 
duplicate key row in object 'dbo.admin_users' with unique index 
'index_admin_users_on_reset_password_token'.: EXEC sp_executesql 
N'INSERT INTO [admin_users] ([created_at], [current_sign_in_at], 
[current_sign_in_ip], [email], [encrypted_password], [last_sign_in_at], 
[last_sign_in_ip], [remember_created_at], [reset_password_sent_at], 
[reset_password_token], [sign_in_count], [updated_at]) VALUES (@0, @1, 
@2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10, @11); SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() 
AS bigint) AS Ident', N'@0 datetime, @1 datetime, @2 nvarchar(255), @3 
nvarchar(255), @4 nvarchar(255), @5 datetime, @6 nvarchar(255), @7 
datetime, @8 datetime, @9 nvarchar(255), @10 int, @11 datetime', @0 = 
'2012-05-28T14:47:04.490', @1 = NULL, @2 = NULL, @3 = 
N'', @4 = N'', @5 = NULL, @6 = NULL, @7 = NULL, @8 
= NULL, @9 = NULL, @10 = 0, @11 = '2012-05-28T14:47:04.490'

error in create new user

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