On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 16:54:46 -0300
Martin Aceto <martin.ac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I'm new to ruby on rails and I have little problem. I need to make
> > application that creates list of items on startup. So model shouldnt
> > have database.
> maybe this could help you
> http://railscasts.com/episodes/326-activeattr
> http://railscasts.com/episodes/193-tableless-model

The table-less model railscast is kinda outdated and can lead into
something wrong I think :)) It's better to watch this one:


Or read Yehuda's introduction:


Sincerely yours,
Aleksey V. Zapparov A.K.A. ixti
FSF Member #7118
Mobile Phone: +34 677 990 688
Homepage: http://www.ixti.net
JID: zappa...@jabber.ru

*Origin: Happy Hacking!

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