Hello, I'm a newbie. I need help resolving this issue. I recently added a 
pdf to the newsletter admin section of the website and now I can no longer 
view page 2 of the list of pdf's. Nor can I login to see the newsletters as 
a student. I'm using Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.1. 
Here's the information from the log file. 
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass):

    28:         <%- locals = {:enewsletter => enewsletter} %>

    29:         <td nowrap="nowrap" class='enewsletter_name'><%= 
enewsletter.subscription.title %></td>

    30:                                       <td 

    31:                                       <td 

    32:                                       <td nowrap="nowrap"> 

    33:                                       <td>

    34:                   <%#= link_to("Edit Release", 
edit_admin_release_path(release), edit_admin_release_path(release)) %> 


  app/views/admin/enewsletters/index.html.erb:26:in `each'


  app/controllers/admin/enewsletters_controller.rb:17:in `index'


Please advise

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