On 4 July 2012 05:23, rocky <asharma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> m getting an error "Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you
> really wanted the id of nil, use object_id"
> when i'm creating new record,like a topic has many discussions,when i'm
> creating a new discussions m getting that error..i already assign the topic
> id as foreign key in discussions controller....please sort out this
> problem.if u getting the same..how you rectify those errors..and in how many
> cases this errors are prone to occur???

This means that you have some code some_object.id where some_object is
nil.  The error message should tell you which line is failing.  Have a
look at the Rails Guide on debugging for ideas on how to debug your
code to find the problem.


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