On 28 August 2012 19:20, Travis Mc <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, I'm new to ruby/rails and trying to sort something...
> I just created an app with composer,
> http://railsapps.github.com/rails-composer/
> I used the command:
> rails new myapp -m
> https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/master/composer.rb
> I set up the rails server, and tried to load the app on localhost:3000
> However, I end up with:
> ArgumentError in HomeController#index
> Need a handler. Supply an options hash that has a :with key as the last
> argument.

Copy and paste the full error here along with the section of code
causing the problem (presumably the index method in this case) and
tell us which line the error refers to.  First however look carefully
at the error message and the line of code and try to work out what the
problem is.  The clue is usually in the message though it can
sometimes take a bit of digging out.


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