Take a look at this:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 11:15:51 AM UTC-5, William Moss wrote:
> Hi guys
> Just a question....... I need some advice
> I am looking to put together a RoR app to interface with an iPhone app
> The iPhone app will be like a 'find the nearest' app. When the user runs 
> it, it will take the user's location, send a JSON request to the RoR app 
> running on a remote server with the location in the querystring
> The RoR app should then send back a list of locations for a particular 
> location for the iPhone app to display on the map.
> Is there any good gems that might help with this? I already have the 
> locations stored in the database along with and address, and can convert 
> the address into lat/long using geocoding.
> The part I am stuck about is an algorithm to search the database for the 
> 'nearest' locations given a particular lat/long.
> Thanks
> William

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