On Friday, September 21, 2012 8:25:39 PM UTC+1, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> lyosha wrote in post #1076588: 
> > man.. why does everything is so slow on developing on windows? 
> It's not. Check your machine and rails configuration. Development 
> environment will always be slower than production or other environment 
> that caches models. 
> There some history here - ruby 1.8 was significantly slower on windows 
than on unix like platforms, and ruby 1.9.2 also had windows specific 
performance regressions (see 
http://programmingzen.com/2010/07/19/the-great-ruby-shootout-july-2010/ for 
example).. Patch 125 of Ruby 1.9.3 had some windows  specific performance 
fixes (IO related I think) that supposedly fixed a lot of that (I'm not a 
windows user) so it's definitely worth upgrading to that if you're running 
an older version.


> There are very few gems that are nix specific and won't work on windows. 
> Passenger and Unicorn come to mind. You can always find alternatives 
> (thin server). A few things here and there might require additional 
> configuration but you get the hang of it with time. 
> Frankly i'm a bit annoyed at Nix/Mac users pretending that development 
> on the Mac is so much better. It isn't. Developing on windows is just as 
> easy and productive. If anything, it's better because you can have a 
> proper custom PC setup, full open source software availability, and a 
> whole bunch of freedoms possible under windows and not under Mac. 

Again, I think there is a lot of history here. It used to be that to build 
any gem with native extensions on windows (when using the 1 click ruby 
installer) you needed  a paid for version of Visual studio (It even had to 
be a specific version I think). A tremendous amount of work (by Luis Lavena 
among others) has gone into improving this, but many of us remember the not 
so distant old days where you had to just hope that someone had build a 
binary package of the gem.  Part of it is being slightly off the beaten 
path - eg capybara-webkit or poltegeist don't support windows (or at least 
not officially) and it's not because of a fundamental reason they couldn't 
but because the core developers of those gems don't use windows - windows 
support probably won't happen unless someone else helps them out.

jruby is a good option too.

Not sure what these freedoms are though (especially compare to Linux)


> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. 

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