On Saturday, September 22, 2012 2:05:03 PM UTC+1, Michael John wrote:
> Hey everyone. I have rails 3.2.8 installed but I need 3.2.1 installed 
> either paralell with 3.2.8 or permently replacing it. I received work with 
> an existing 3.2.1 site, and the owner does not want to upgrade to 3.2.8.

You don't need to install rails 3.2.1 - just run bundle install from the 
root of this app and bundler will take care of that for you. You'll 
probably need to prefix rails commands with bundle exec (eg `bundle exec 
rails console` instead of `rails console`)


> I downloaded release 3.2.1 from GitHub however I can not figure out how to 
> install it. I tried running the *install.rb* script, but it fails 
> complaining that it cannot find the .gem files for multiple things 
> (activesupport, activemodel, ... etc). 
> So I tried running *gem install rails --version 3.2.1* and this says it 
> installed rails and I get this output:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Successfully installed rails-3.2.1
> 1 gem installed
> Installing ri documentation for rails-3.2.1...
> Installing RDoc documentation for rails-3.2.1...
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> but I cannot find out where it was installed to.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> $ /usr/bin/rails -v
> Rails 2.3.14
> $ /usr/local/bin/rails -v
> Rails 3.2.8
> $ ruby -v
> ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]
> $ gem -v
> 1.8.24
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Any help or ideas would be much appreciate! If you need more information 
> please let me know too.
> Thanks.

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