On Oct 26, 2012, at 7:15 AM, Dmitry Maksyoma wrote:

> Hi,
> I've done a registration form with password and password_confirmation fields 
> and the fields are being cleared if there is an error with another form 
> input, e.g. invalid email. I find it annoying that password has to be 
> reentered when there is a problem with another field, actually, there can be 
> many iterations until the user gets input right. All this time having to 
> reenter password and confirmation is clearly annoying.
> So, I would like the password and confirmation fields not to be cleared if 
> the password is ok and confirmation matches it. However, I have no idea where 
> to start. Any ideas?

Are you using an authentication engine, like Devise? This may be happening in a 
mixin in the model in that case, and you'll have to open that up and change the 
behavior. Otherwise, what does your view look like for the form?


> Thanks.
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