Try this:

> Cbapp::Application.routes.draw do
>  root :to => 'users#index'
>  match 'users/login' => 'users#login'
> resources :users
> end

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 31/10/2012, a las 15:22, IT Coobo Internal Team <> 

> Hi everbody,
> I'm new in the forum. I' studing ruby and rails and I hope learn faster
> with the help of the forum.
> Well, my problem is basic. I have made a scaffold to create a new object
> User. User has name, email and password.
> I created a new view named "login", but i don't know how to make the
> route to this view. I Have the function in the controller too.
> Cbapp::Application.routes.draw do
>  resources :users
>  root :to => 'users#index'
>  match 'users/login' => 'users#login'
> end
> and I got this error: Couldn't find User with id=login
> Thanks!
> -- 
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