
it actually is possible to do that... however, it will get very complex 
when you want to have statistics and i would recommend something like new 
relic or google analytics to use then... but thats not what you asked 
for... so her i give you a quick and dirty example how you could do that:

rails g model Visit date:time ip:string (and what not you want to have)

then in your application_controller:

before_filter :track

def track
  trackobject = Track.new(:date => Time.now, :ip => 
"#{request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']}") unless session[:tracked] (and again what 
you want to have

 session[:tracked] = true (if you want that visitor only tracked once on your 


Am Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012 07:54:20 UTC+1 schrieb Maddy:
> Hi Everyone,
> Good Day!
> I wanna to add to my blog a counter for displaying, how many times was my 
> website visited. I would like to solve it through ruby (not GA or something 
> like that). Is available any gem that do this task (also with checking IP 
> address,the time of latest visited and visited count).
> Please Advice.
> Thank You.

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