On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 11:43:22 UTC-5, Jean wrote:
> I would like to do something like this:
> def self.advsearch(summary_description, specialties, place)
>         User.joins(:experience,:summary,:information)
>                 .where(Information.arel_table[:business].eq(false))
> .where(Experience.arel_table[:description].matches("%#{summary_description}%")
>  unless !summary_description.nil?
> .or(Experience.arel_table[:description].matches("%#{summary_description.capitalize}%"))
>  unless !summary_description.nil?
The pieces don't all have to be chained together in one line, so you can do 
something like this:

condition = Arel::Nodes::False.new
condition = 
unless summary_description.blank?
...etc, just keep ORing on additional things to condition...

BTW, you probably won't actually need the repetitions with capitalize - 
Arel implements the 'matches' operator with case-insensitive matching on 
DBs that are case-sensitive by default (for instance, here for 

Depending on the specific needs of your advanced search, you may also want 
to look into something like Sunspot (http://sunspot.github.com/), as it 
handles some fairly complicated query parsing and allows for multi-valued 
fields (great for things like 'specialties').

--Matt Jones

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