On Sunday, 20 May 2012 19:26:08 UTC-4, Anish wrote:
> I have an existing rails backend website which makes json ajax calls to my 
> server and I was passing csrf tokens in every ajax call. Now,I am 
> developing a mobile iOS app to use the same backend and send calls in json. 
> However, mobile requests are failing with "Can't verify CSRF token 
> authenticity", because i dont know of anyway to send the csrf token to 
> rails from app.
> Looking around, many people are suggesting to disable CSRF protection if 
> the call is json call - but I dont want to do that because my website all 
> uses json calls and that leaves my site open for attacks. 
> My question is:
> 1) How can i let my iOS app know the rails generated csrf token to use it 
> in all app calls to server? Is it possible
> 2) Is there any other way that I can work around this problem? 
Since this thread has been revived, it seems reasonable to mention that you 
may not want to use session state in your API at all - some HTTP clients 
may not support it out-of-the-box, etc. Oauth or Oauth2 is a possible 
alternative - there are some very slick gems to help with this 
(devise_oauth2_providable, among others). 

--Matt Jones

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