Capybara 2.0 upwards no longer supports Title tests see:

I used the solution, work around, given by 'murdoch' towards the end
of the discussion, namely:

    should have_xpath("//title[contains(.,'marflar')]")

now my title tests work ... thanks

On Jan 9, 10:40 am, fuzzy <> wrote:
> The following tests used to reside in requests directory and used to
> work ... since I have upgraded to rails 3.2.9 and now 3.2.10 they
> fail.
> I have the following tests in(I am only showing the first two tests):
> spec/features/authentication_pages_spec.rb
>          require 'spec_helper'
>          describe "Authentication" do
>          subject { page }
>             describe "signin" do
>             before { visit signin_path }
>                it { should have_selector('h2',     text: 'Sign in') }
>                it { should have_selector('title',  text: 'Sign in') }
>                ...
>                ...
>              end
> The first test passes, that is once I created the features directory
> and moved the authentication_pages_spec file to it,  and the second
> fails with the message "expected to find css 'title' with "Sign in"
> but the were no matches.
> The application code( I am showing just the first three lines since
> the rest are the attributes for this view):
> app/views/sessions/new.html.haml
>             - provide(:title, 'Sign in')
>             %h2 Sign in
>             = form_for(:session, url: sessions_path) do |f|
>               ...
>               ...
> It looks to me that I have all the necessary features in place for the
> test to pass. So it can only mean that something else is the problem,
> maybe the syntax of the test has changed?
> Does anyone have some thoughts on this?
> Thanks.

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