Ms. Klein,

I handle that situation very similarly with the only disparity being 
where ownership is determined.  In my opinion the object itself should 
know nothing about @current_user, whereas the application can know about 

I also tend to alias methods in my resources, like so

def self.owner

Then I insure that every object has some owner alias if it is to be 
restricted, and in my :require_ownership before_filter, I do the following:

def require_ownership
        if @resource.owner == @current.user ...

The end effect is the same, but this allows the resource to be used 
intact in another application without modification, regardless of 
@current_user in the other application.  Just of matter of who knows 
what about whom.

Otherwise, unless someone can suggest a better method for us both, I 
personally think you're on the right track.

Darrik Mazey

Lisa Klein wrote:
> Hi, I just have a "best practices" question.  I'd like to block users
> that don't own a particular resource from performing edit/update/
> destroy actions on it.  Here's how I currently do it:
> ## User has many resources, of different types
> ------- resource_controller.rb -------
> before_filter :require_ownership, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy]
> ... public actions ...
> protected
> def require_ownership
>   @resource = Resource.find(params[:id])
>   redirect_to_somewhere unless owns?(@resource)
> end
> ------- application.rb -------
> def owns?(resource)
>   resource.user_id ==
> end
> ... And I apply this before_filter in the controller of any resource
> I'd like to restrict in a similar way.  I'm new to Rails and MVC so
> I'm just wondering whether this is the best way of accomplishing this,
> or if a different method is recommended.
> Thanks in advance!
> > 

Darrik Mazey
DMT Programming, LLC.
P.O. Box 91
Torrington, CT 06790
office: 330.983.9941
    fax: 330.983.9942
mobile: 330.808.2025

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