On 30 January 2013 18:57, jsnark <s...@monmouth.com> wrote:
> Ever since I upgraded my applications to rails 3.0.19 due to the security
> issue with older versions, exception notification has stopped working.  What
> is the fix for this problem?  Thank you.
> Rendered
> /var/www/rails/xxx/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/exception_notification-3.0.0/lib/exception_notifier/views/exception_notifier/exception_notification.text.erb
> (95.5ms)
> ActionView::Template::Error (code converter not found (UTF-8 to UTF-16)):
>     19:         [title, summary.gsub(/^/, "  "), nil].join("\n\n")
>     20:       end
>     21:     end.join
>     22:     sections = sections.force_encoding('UTF-8').encode('UTF-16',
> :invalid => :replace).encode('UTF-8') if
> sections.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
>     23: %>
>     24:
>     25: <%= raw sections %>

Does this help [1].  Google found it very quickly.



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