Tried to access a Rails app on the local PC by entering in eaa via Chrome 
but ended up with a web search instead. How do I access the Rails app 
locally? Below is the Apache config for the application:

*<VirtualHost *:80> *
*    ServerName eaa*
*    RailsEnv production*
*    DocumentRoot /var/rails-apps/eaa/public*
*    <Directory /var/rails-apps/eaa/public> *
*        # Relax Apache security settings .*
*        AllowOverride all*
*        # MultiViews must be turned off .*
*        Options -MultiViews*
*    </Directory>*
*    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log*

Had a look through the Apache error log and only found the following info 

*[Thu Feb 14 14:36:41 2013] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) 
Phusion_Passenger/3.0.19 configured -- resuming normal operations*

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