On 02/14/2013 10:13 PM, Joseph Li wrote:
I give up. But found a better workaround and that might just actually be what I
have done in the first place to get it working.

Turns out the jdbc-derby gem doesn't have the derbyclient network driver but
only the embedded driver. Thus the class not found. I tried many things and
thinking some combinations of the gems that I added trying to get it work
corrupted something. But still no dice. I ended up cleaning out the jruby again
from RVM. And then go  on to manually removing the corresponding gem directory

One thing I encountered amid the removal and reinstall was getting the following
err when trying to run bundle command:
/     ......ruby_noexec_wrapper/:/7:in/ `/require/': /no such file to 
/Solution was to set the default ruby again from rvm with the "--default" 

That sir, is caused by rubygems-bundler in @global.

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