Here's a post by Jose Valim on the reasoning behind the change:

As a quick summary, Capybara is an acceptance test framework and as such, 
tests should be written from a browser or user's perspective. With the 
rspec-rails gem, tests found in spec/requests directory have access to 
methods that expose lower-level details like requests and responses(methods 
like get, put, post.) So if Capybara tests are also found in that same 
spec/requests directory, you are able to use both the Capybara DSL and the 
free methods that are meant for integration tests which causes a conflict 
and leads to some developers using a mix of both. This leads to ugly test 

The solution they came up with is to create a separate directory meant for 
use with Capybara DSL, which is spec/features and another directory 
(spec/api) meant for use with the Rails provided integration test tools. 

Michael Hartl will be releasing a newer version of his tutorial sometime in 
the future which will provide more up-to-date material. You might also want 
to look at RSpec's 'expect' syntax for its assertions. They plan on 
deprecating the 'should' syntax possibly as early as RSpec 3.0.

On Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:57:30 PM UTC+8, Peter wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to Ruby on Rails. I just finished Michael Hartl's *Ruby on Rails 
> Tutorial* <> and 
> I just started on *Agile Web Development with Rails, Fourth Edition* by 
> Sam Ruby<>. 
> In trying to build confidence and proficiency, I started building small 
> apps and decided, as I had learned from Michael Hartl, to use 
> capybara<>and 
> rspec <>. But when I tried it nothing was 
> working. It turns out, this was the reason:
> If you are using Rails, put your Capybara specs in spec/features.
>> And in order to use the tests I had created in spec/requests, I have to 
> do this:
> If you are not using Rails, tag all the example groups in which you want 
>> to use Capybara with :type => :feature.
> Can anyone explain the reasoning behind this? I'm sure there is a good 
> reason for this that my newbie self does not comprehend yet. Thank you in 
> advance.
> p 

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