On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:27:55 AM UTC-4, John Merlino wrote:
> I was following these instructions for capistrano deployment: 
> https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/wiki/2.x-From-The-Beginning 
> Under the section "Application Layer Initialization", it says: 
> "We need to tell Capistrano how to “spin up” (start) our application 
> layer. The precise way this works will vary depending on how you’re 
> running your application layer. If you’re using mod_rails, for 
> instance, it will be very different than if you’re using mongrel. 
> Here, I’ll assume you’re using mongrel. By default, when Capistrano 
> needs to start your application layer, it will try to execute a script 
> called “spin”, in the “script” directory of your application, on each 
> remote server. We’ll need to write that script, and then check it into 
> the source repository." 
> Well I'm using mod_rails/passenger. Do I need to be writing any 
> scripts as it suggests when using mod_rails? 
No.  When you run capify . a default config/deploy.rb file is created.  At 
the bottom of that file is a section of code with the comment "If you are 
using Passenger mod_rails uncomment this:".

remove the comment sign (#) at the beginning of the lines below that 
starting with namespace and ending with end.  That's all you need to do.


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