2013/5/30 Tommy Ng <li...@ruby-forum.com>

> <% form_tag({:controller => "main", :action => "contact"}, :remote =>

There should be an equal sign (=) just after the percent to tell erb, that
it should output something

> true, :update => "result") do %>
>    Name:<br/><%= text_field_tag(:name, :"", :id => "name") %><br/><br/>
>    Message:<br/><%= text_area_tag(:message, :"", :id => "message")
> %><br/>
>    <%= submit_tag "Send" %>
> <% end %>
> <div id="result"></div>
> First problem, my form now disappeared.  It appeared when it was

<%= form_tag("/main/contact", :method => "post", :id => "contactForm")
> do %>

Here you have that equal sign, so erb knows to output the formtag, in the
line without it, the returnvalue of form_tag is just ommited.

Also there are some nice railscasts about Ajax and a blogpost wich
kickstarted me a few weeks ago:

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