Colin Law wrote in post #1110802:
> On 31 May 2013 15:21, Paul Bergstrom <> wrote:
>> I'm kind of lost with Rails right now. What was simple and beautiful is
>> no more. I've never understood REST and I think this is what gives me
>> problems.
>> That and this compiling thing in production.
>> But to put it short and back to my question, can I forget compiling in
>> developing mode, not part of my problem?
> Ruby is not compiled.  Please describe exactly the problem that you
> are seeing.  In order for us to help we must first understand the
> problem.
> Colin

I understand. It was a file that didn't loaded as excepted. But could 
have been an error on my part, e g wrong file name or something.

It helps to know that I don't have to worry about compiling in 
development only production mode. Because in production I have had 
problems with this, and from what I can understand I'm not the only one. 
Hence my question for clarification.

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