On 31 May 2013 16:09, Cameron D. <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> So I created a new application (named guestbook), controllers, and
> entry(named sign_in) in Rails.  I uncommented the "match
> ':controller......' and the 'root :to => 'welcome#index' lines in
> config/locales/routes.rb file.  When I type
> "localhost:3000/entries/sign_in", I received the "Routing Error, No
> route matches [GET] "/entries/sign_in"
> When running rake routes:  entries_sign_in GET
> /entries/sign_in(.:format)    entries#sign_in      root/welcome#index
> /:controller(/:action(/:id)(.:format)           :controller#:action

Did you restart the server after changing routes.rb?  This is one of
the few occasions when a restart is necessary.


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