just an update/follow up. I can successfully run rails and get a rails 
server going on my localhost. However, my paths remain totally messed up 
and I dont know why. I get the error I originally posted about anywhere 
I go (and I am completely certain I am not inside a path that already 
has a rails app in it) except, if I go above my home file into my what i 
call my root file, it looks like this.
mwr@mwr-Ubuntu:/home$ cd ..
mwr@mwr-Ubuntu:/$ cd ..
mwr@mwr-Ubuntu:/$ ls
app   cdrom  initrd.img      lost+found  proc  selinux  usr
bin   dev    initrd.img.old  media       root  srv      var
blah  etc    lib             mnt         run   sys      vmlinuz
boot  home   lib64           opt         sbin  tmp      vmlinuz.old

my understanding is this cant really be right. To get a rails project 
working I have to type sudo for every single command i give, from mkdir 
to rails new app etc. But there is nowhere else in my system where i can 
run rails new and this was true from the very first time I tried to run 
I attempted to uninstall rails, but even though it seemed I did, running 
'which rails' would always yield a result. I wound up reinstalling 

maybe this is just how it works? or have I made some sort of correctable 

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