*sudo gem install rubyXL* ---------> *EMPTY RESULT *
*So installed rubyXL with the below command ...*
Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10
1 gem installed

*Ruby version :*
*$ which ruby*

*Error while running ex.rb after installed the rubyXL*

$ ruby ex.rb 
NameError: uninitialized constant RubyXL
  const_missing at org/jruby/RubyModule.java:2631
         (root) at /Users/mselv2/ruby_Code/rubyXL.rb:3
        require at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1054
         (root) at 
         (root) at ex.rb:1

Please let me should i do any thing and let me know if you required 
additional information to solve the issue ?

Thanks ,
Muthu Selvan SR

On Saturday, 29 June 2013 11:50:55 UTC-7, Norbert Melzer wrote:
> Am Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:44:29 -0700 (PDT) 
> schrieb Muthu Selvan <pearl....@gmail.com <javascript:>>: 
> > 
> > Hi , 
> > 
> >    I am trying to read excel sheet from Ruby so i have installed 
> > RubyXL ( sudo gem install rubyXL ) . 
> >   
> >    After installed successfully , I am running with the below source 
> > code , but its giving error   
> > 
> >    mselv2m1:ruby_Code mselv2$ ruby ex.rb 
> > *  ./rubyXL.rb:3: uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError) * 
> > from ex.rb:1:in `require' 
> > from ex.rb:1 
> > 
> > 
> > *//Source Code : * 
> > cat ex.rb 
> > require 'rubyXL' 
> Your example works very well for me, or at least I don't get any error 
> messages when I run that oneliner. 
> But I took a quick look over at rubygems.org, and had seen, that there 
> are some dependencies as development deps only, which I think that 
> should be full-deps (nokogiri for XML and rubyzip for unzipping that 
> docx stuff), but also I don't think that this is really the problem… 
> Please check first, if rubyXL is installed correctly: 
> $ gem list | grep rubyXL     
> If not, try installing again and post the full output of the install 
> command to the list, also please tell us if you are using rvm, 
> rbversion or similar tools or the default ruby of your system package 
> management system. 
> In any case tell us the version of ruby and ruby gems you are using. 
> > Thanks , 
> > Muthu Selvan SR 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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