the answer is to be found here:

On Sunday, June 30, 2013 2:56:59 PM UTC-4, User wrote:
> Hi all, 
>  0 down vote favorite 
> I have two models - "symbols" and "users". Among other attributes, 
> symbols has "created_by_id" and "updated_by_id" attributes which are 
> id's of users that created/updated a certain symbol entry. 
> Let's say I want to display the symbols table with their "symbol" 
> attribute and the nested "created by" and "updated by" (user.username) 
> attributes for each symbol entry. Resulting table should look something 
> like this: 
> symbol     created_by    updated_by 
> ------------------------------------ 
> symbol1    username1     username2 
> symbol2    username1     username2 
> How can I achieve this? I guess I need accepts_nested_attributes_for 
> :user and probably has_one :user (?) in my Symbol model. Do I also need 
> belongs_to :user in my User model? 
> After the models are set up properly, how can I access the username of 
> users associated with "created_by_id" and "updated_by_id" in my view? 
> I have an edit form where I used nested form like this (which works 
> fine): 
> <%= form_for @symbol do |f| %> 
>   Symbol: 
>   <%= f.text_field :symbol %> 
>   <%= f.fields_for :kanji do |kf| %> 
>     Meaning: 
>     <%= kf.text_field :meaning %> 
>     Onyomi: 
>     <%= kf.text_field :onyomi %> 
>     Kunyomi: 
>     <%= kf.text_field :kunyomi %> 
>   <% end %> 
>   <%= f.submit "Save" %> 
> <% end %> 
> but I couldn't figure out how to do something similar in this case where 
> I have two nested attributes associated with the same symbol. 
> I'm new to rails so perhaps I got the whole idea of how to do this 
> wrong. If there is a better than what I just explained how I want to do 
> it, please correct me. 
> Thank you 
> -- 
> Posted via 

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