On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 07:53:20 UTC-4, Павел Добренко wrote:
> i have such model:
>     class ToType < ActiveRecord::Base
>       attr_accessible :Name, :TYP_CCM, :TYP_CCM_TAX, :TYP_CDS_ID, 
> :TYP_VALVES, :is_in_to
>       set_primary_key :TYP_ID
>       belongs_to :to_model

This is likely the problem - ActiveModel expects an instance of ToType to 
have a method to_model. The default implementation just returns the object, 
but the belongs_to here is overriding that and messing things up.

I'd recommend naming the association something else.

--Matt Jones


>       has_many :to_articles, :foreign_key => "to_type_id", :dependent => 
> :destroy
>     end
>     class ToArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
>       attr_accessible :details, :manufacturer, :name, :oem_number, 
> :only_with_vin, :quantity, :to_type_id
>       belongs_to :to_type, :foreign_key => "TYP_ID"
>       belongs_to :to_engine
>     end
> (some db is converted from big catalog, so rails conventions are a little 
> bit missed)
> my show view of to_type is:
> part of it:
>     %td
>                 = link_to "Подробнее", 
> admin_catalog_to_to_article_path(c), :class=>'btn btn-primary'
>                 = link_to "Редактирование", 
> edit_admin_catalog_to_to_type_path(c), :class=>'btn btn-warning'
>                 = link_to "Удалить", admin_catalog_to_to_type_path(c), 
> :confirm => "!!!Тип #{c.Name} будет удалён!!!! Вы уверены?", :method => 
> :delete, :class => "btn btn-danger"
> my show action work normally, also controller:
>     class Admin::Catalog::To::ToTypesController < ApplicationController
>       respond_to :html
>       before_filter :auth_user
>       def auth_user
>         redirect_to new_admin_session_path unless admin_signed_in?
>       end
>       def show
>         @mod_id = params[:id]
>         @man = ToType.find(:all, conditions: {:TYP_MOD_ID => @mod_id}, 
> order: "Name ASC")
>         render :layout => 'admin'
>       end
>       def edit
>         @man = ToType.find(params[:id])
>         render :layout => 'admin'
>       end
>       def update
>         @man = ToType.find(params[:id])
>         if @man.update_attributes(params[:to_type])
>           redirect_to admin_catalog_to_to_type_path(@man.TYP_MOD_ID)
>         else
>           render :layout => 'admin'
>         end
>       end
>       def new
>         @man = ToType.new
>         @mod_id = params[:mod_id]
>         render :layout => 'admin'
>       end
>       def create
>         @man = ToType.new(params[:to_type])
>         @mod_id = params[:mod_id]
>         @man.TYP_MOD_ID = @mod_id
>         if @man.save
>           redirect_to admin_catalog_to_to_type_path(@mod_id)
>         else
>           render :layout => 'admin'
>         end
>       end
>       def destroy
>         @man = ToType.find(params[:id])
>         if @man.destroy
>           redirect_to admin_catalog_to_to_type_path(@man.TYP_MOD_ID)
>         else
>           render :layout => 'admin'
>         end
>       end
>     end
>     and route:
>     namespace :admin do
>       namespace :catalog do
>           namespace :to do
>             resources :to_manufacturers, 
>                       :to_models, 
>                       :to_types, 
>                       :to_articles
>           end
>         end
>       end
> form partial:
>     = form_for [:admin, :catalog, :to, @typ] do |f|
>       = f.label :id
>     ...
> when i try edit or create i get:
>     undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
> i think that something is bad with connection with model: with update and 
> create. In log i see that object is founded in db for edit for example, and 
> in log i can see that @man is not empty, but i still get undefined method 
> `model_name' for NilClass:Class . Why?

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