For future reference, it turns out that Rack is calling each twice on the 
response_body, see!topic/rack-devel/YgEzAlZd8YA
Once i added some checks to only stream once on the second call (rack 
closing the connection) it worked as expected! Note: if you only respond on 
the first call then the response will be empty.

Hopefully this saves someone some time in the future!

On Thursday, 15 August 2013 15:28:32 UTC+1, Cam Allen wrote:
> Hi Matthew, 
> I have built a CSV streaming response that suffers from the same problem 
> that you've described. It seems the larger content amount will delay the 
> response headers being sent, thus signifying the start of the stream, i.e. 
> save dialog in browser. It seems this has to do with they web server being 
> used and possibly buffering responses before sending the stream but haven't 
> found a directive to fix it. 
> I've tested with webrick, puma, thin and passenger+nginx and dug into the 
> configurations to no avail. Note: only passenger and puma stream properly 
> and they both do so with the delayed response for large streams. 
> Did you every find out what was causing the delay on larger streams?
> Cam
> On Thursday, 29 March 2012 17:12:28 UTC+1, Matthew Fordham wrote:
>> I am working on a streaming download (CSV) from Rails 3.2 and am coming 
>> up against an issue of the initial page request taking a long time. The 
>> following controller code illustrates my issue:
>>       self.response_body = do |y|
>>         10_000_000.times do
>>           y << "Hello World"
>>         end
>>       end 
>> With the above, the response does seem like its streaming (from a server 
>> than can support it... Unicorn, in my case). That said, before it starts 
>> streaming it hangs for a much longer time than I'd like. If I change it to 
>> the following, it starts much faster:
>>       self.response_body = do |y|
>>         1000.times do
>>           y << "Hello World"
>>         end
>>       end
>> My understanding is that the response should begin with the first 
>> iteration of the loop, but it seems the larger loops are causing that 
>> initial load time to lengthen. If each iteration is output as it happens, 
>> shouldn't it take the same amount of time to kick off the streaming 
>> process, regardless of how many total iterations there will be???
>> Here is an explanation of the technique I am attempting. Maybe I am 
>> misinterpreting or missing a step?:
>> Thanks for any insight you may have!

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