Hello all,

I am currently writing model tests in rails 4. I am attempting to add an 
error to a reservation object if the total number of reservations for a 
given date and time has reached a pre-determined limit.

When my test runs, it is hitting the appropriate code but it is raising the 
following error as opposed to just giving me an error in the object that I 
can use. 

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Reservation limit reached 
for this time slot

    test/models/reservation_test.rb:29:in `block (2 levels) in 

I was wondering if anyone can give me an ideas of how to deal with this.

My test environment is using shoulda, faker, and factory_girl


    setup do

      List.create(name: 'reservation_limit', values: 20)

      @reservation = FactoryGirl.build(:reservation)


should "remove unavailable times if reservation limit for time slot is 
full" do

      20.times{ FactoryGirl.create :reservation }

      assert_equal false, FactoryGirl.create(:reservation), "reservation 
was created after total reservation for time slot was reached."



def check_reservation_time

    errors.add(:base, "Can't set reservation to a time before 5pm.") if 
parse_time(start_time) < parse_time("17:00")

    errors.add(:base, "Can't set reservation to a time after 8pm.") if 
parse_time(start_time) > parse_time("20:00")

    errors.add(:base, "Reservation limit reached for this time slot") if 
reservation_limit_reached?(Reservation.where("start_date = ? and start_time 
= ?", self.start_date, self.start_time))


  def reservation_limit_reached?(reservations)

    reservations.size >= List.where(name: 


I am told I can use `rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid` but my 
research is pointing me to that only working in the controller so I wasn't 
sure how that would help me in a model test.

Any ideas or help is appreciated.


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