Ups i forget the visible condition

B.where(a_id: @As, is_visible: true)

if you have a massive amounts of Bs the Data Base server will hate you,so a 
better solution is
@As.each do |a|
  @Bs<<{ |b| b.is_visible}

El jueves, 10 de abril de 2014 23:20:53 UTC+2, User escribió:
> I have class A and B.  A has many Bs. 
> B has a field is_visible which can be true or false 
> I have alot of As as well 
> I can acquire a set of As by doing the follwoing: 
> @As = X.find_by... 
> Need to iterate over all the As, and return each B where B.is_visble is 
> true. 
> since we are going across all As, I would think the final result would 
> be @Bs (notice s at end). 
> Best way to do this? 
> -- 
> Posted via 

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