I have  select field which after a choice happened, feeds another select 

Using the gem Cocoon to duplicate this set of select fields. 
My problem now is to find a solution that the coffee script supplies values 
for each select field-set separately.

My code:

<%= render 'usergroup_fields', :f => usergroup %>
<%= link_to_add_association "Add Group", f, :usergroups %>

<%= f.select :ops_group_id, options_for_select(@groups…..{ id: 'ops_select' 
} %>
<%= f.select :oncall_id, options_for_select(@oncalls….{ id: 
'oncalls_select' } %>

$ ->
  $(document).on 'change', ('#ops_select'), ->
    $.ajax '/projects/update_oncalls/',
      type: 'GET'
      dataType: 'script'
      data: {
        ops_group_id: $("#ops_select option:selected").val()

$("#oncalls_select").empty().append("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial 
=> @oncalls)) %>")

I think I need some reference to supply to the script but don’t know how.
Any help would be great. Thanks

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