On Saturday, April 26, 2014 4:09:15 PM UTC+1, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> How do I test this in Rspec. I am pretty very new to Rspec. Please help. 
> I tried like the below 
>     describe "next " do 
>       it "routes /queues/:queue_id/next" do 
>         { :get => "/queues/regular_queue/next" }.should route_to( 
>           :controller => "queue_items", 
>           :action => "next", 
>           :queue_id => "regular_queue", 
>           :format => "json" 
>             ) 
>         assigns(:queue).should_not be_nil 
>         expect(response).to be_success 
>       end 
> But it is not at all coming inside my next action in controller. 
What you've written there is a routing spec - it's just testing that your 
routes file maps that path to the correct controller/action. It's not 
making a request at all. For that you want a controller spec (these should 
be in spec/controllers/ for rspec to detect this as a controller spec. 
You'd want something along these lines

describe QueueItemsController do
  describe 'GET next' do
    it 'should assign queue' do
      get :next
      assigns(:queue).should == 'Regular'


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