mike2r wrote in post #1147137:
.  Any
> instance variables that are referenced in the view must be defined
> within
> that action.

All my variables used in my view are defined in my controller in a 
methode inivariable and then I use before_filter :inivariable then they 
are initialized.

>  Even the following:
> render action: "operation_en_cours"
> doesn't really execute the action.  It renders a view using the template
> associated with the action operation_en_cours.  Any information required
> by
> the template from the action (such as instance variables) will need to
> be
> defined in the action that is calling it (in this case, change).

Okay I see the difference now but then is it possible to call an other 
mathode after one is already call? Is the only way to report the second 
methode in the statement of the first one?

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