Pierre-Andre M. wrote in post #1147586:
> I have a variable created by some ruby in my controller that looks like
> this:
> @begpoint = row["begpoint"]
> and I want to pass it into some js that is referenced from within my
> view:

There are several way of doing this, but the simplest is to use HTML5 
data- attributes.



<body data-begpoint="<%= @begpoint %>">
... page content


var begpoint;

$(funtion() {
  begpoint = $('body').data('begpoint');

So to think of is as "pass it to JavaScript" is sort of inside out. You 
use JavaScript to "get" the value from the DOM. jQuery gives you nice 
syntax for doing just that.

This is good for relatively small amount of data. If you need lots of 
data in your JavaScript there are alternatives to this technique. A good 
place to learn something about those techniques is something like 
Backbone.js, Ember.js or Angular.


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