Hello all,

my skills in Ruby are very limited so sorry if my questions seem stupid.
I've made some searchs on Google and made many tries but I still have
problems. Hope you will able to help me.

Here is the main goals of what I want to do:

I open a page (view).
On this page, some informations are displayed about users.
For each user, I have two check-boxes.

What I want : If a user wants to check / uncheck specific check-box,
send the new "values" to a controller for treatments using a button
(similar to submit_tag).

In my view, I use two check-box tags as following:

<% @users.each do |user| %>


        <% check_box_tag "scope[]", user.uid, user.in_scope %>
        <% check_box_tag "state[]", user.uid, user.in_scope %>


<% end %>

Need to precise:

- scope[] and state[] are not "declared" anywhere else than in this
view. I'm expecting to retrieve two lists similar to:

"scope"=> ["uid_1" => "true" (or 1), "uid_2" => "false" (or 0), ...]
"state"=> ["uid_1" => "true" (or 1), "uid_2" => "false" (or 0), ...]

- user.uid is a specific id for each user,
- user.in_scope is a boolean (true by default).

At the beginning of the view, I also have:

  <%= button_to("Update' informations", {:controller => 'myController',
:action => 'myAction', :id => params[:id]}, class: "myClass") %>

to make the treatment using a specific controller ("myController").

In "myController", I try to retrieve the values of check-boxes using :

list_one = params[:scope]
list_two = params[:stats]

but both list are always equal to 'nil'.

I'm sure I'm missing some things but I don't know what.

If you have any solutions, please could you precise:

- If I have to declare specific variables and where,
- If I have to make database migration or something similar (and where),
- If I have to modify my previous code, how (with maximum informations

Any help will be really appreciate!!!

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

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