On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:57:49 AM UTC+2, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> I have this form 
>  <%= form_for @lesson do |f| %> 
>           <%= f.label :lesson_name, "Lesson title" %></br> 
>           <%= f.text_field :lesson_name,  class: "form-control" %></br> 
>           <%= f.label :lesson_icon, "Choise icon" %> 
>           <%= f.select "lesson_icon", options_for_select([ "ico-03", 
> "ico-04","ico-05","ico-06" ])%></br></br> 
>           <div> 
>             <p style="display:none"><%=hh=0%></p> 
>            <%= f.fields_for :sublessons do |sublesson_a| %> 
>            <div class="delete-subtitle-<%=hh%>" style="padding-bottom: 
> 25px;"> 
>               <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_name, "Subtitle 1" 
> %></br> 
>               <%= sublesson_a.text_field :sublesson_name, class: 
> "form-control delete-sublesson-field-#{hh}" %></br> 
>               <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_content, "Content" 
> %></br> 
>               <%=sublesson_a.text_area 'sublesson_content', rows: 3, 
> class: "form-control delete-sublesson-content-#{hh}"%></br> 
>               <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_video_link, "Video link" 
> %><br> 
>               <%= sublesson_a.text_field :sublesson_video_link, class: 
> "form-control delete-sublesson-video-#{hh}" %></br> 
>               <a   style="float:right" class="btn btn-primary" 
> id="remove_sublesson" onclick="remove_sublesson(<%=hh%>)">Delete 
> Sublesson</a> 
>               <p style="display:none"><%= hh=hh+1%></p> 
>            </div> 
>           <%end%> 
>          </div> 
>         <%= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-primary" %> 
>         <a   class="btn btn-primary" id="addNewTag" 
> onclick="add_sublesson()">Add Sublesson</a> 
>       <% end %> 
> This is a form for edit....How can i test if :sublessons is empty? 
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. 

I suppose that your lesson 'has_many' sublessons. In this case you can 
check it as follows:

if @lesson.sublessons.any?

It returns true if the collection is not empty

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